Thursday, 24 June 2010

Oh dear, playing catch up again! Don't know where the time goes, or what I get up to most days!
One of the prompts was about diet, well, look what happened to me when I went looking for food when I felt peckish! Blooming fridge doors are too much for me to handle!

Then all I could find was these things, how do I get in there?
Nana has trained me well, football is for sissies! Well, real men play rugby, what does that say about me as I can't even keep my balance on this small rugby ball! HELP!!!!!
Must confess though I have seen a few of the World cup matches, not very exciting!
As for the celebration prompt, I'm saving that one for when Aunty Helen has her baby, not long now!


  1. Goodness Hedgie - hope you are OK after getting stuck in the fridge door. Hope you managed to find some decent food eventually.

  2. Woops Hedgie that looked painful LOL!!
    I wasn't impressed with all that football and have to confess I still haven't found out anything about tennis yet LOL!!

    lots of love, your friend Clemmie xx

  3. Hedgie you do get yoursedlf into to some really awkward places!!!!
    Hope you did not get to squished up.
    How exciting waiting for Aunty Helen's baby, I am waiting for a baby to arrive too but not sure when.
